About me
Hey there, I’m Juan Miguel, a software engineer primarily focused on web development. In my career, I've dabbled in everything from frontend and backend development to mobile and a bit of machine learning. I've also played various roles, including scrum master and tech lead. For most of my career, I've been a full-stack engineer, and recently, I've had the opportunity to transition into a platform engineer role.
I’m planning on writing about languages, frameworks, soft skills, hard skills, concepts, and anything related to the world of software development, mainly coming from my own experience, but also my takes on certain topics. Welcome to my blog!
I write primarily to document the lessons I've learned throughout my journey. I've decided to publish my ideas for several reasons, first of all, to gather feedback, I know this world is quite vast, and several different opinions apply in different situations, so whenever I write something wrong I’m sure the internet will let me know.
I enjoy the writing process, which I've applied to various aspects of my life. It has greatly aided my understanding of specific topics, allowing me to articulate my ideas, critically analyze, and revise them until I'm satisfied.
Developing and hosting this blog also serves as good practice for me. Although this site is quite simple, maintaining and improving it over time is a valuable side project.
I must admit that part of my inspiration to write a blog comes from various individuals in the open-source web development community. Their posts have significantly helped me, having access to great ideas to see where they agree and disagree is an amazing resource, maybe we all should strive to share our lessons learned.
Although I'm writing mainly for myself, I hope to help others just as reading other blogs has helped me. Even if they disagree, engaging in discussions about ideas is a great way to advance our skills.